Natani: It took a while to adjust to being mentally linked to my brother. In the beginning, we didn’t know how to block out thoughts and sensations from each other.
Natani: Be more careful!
Natani: When I had a hangover, so did he.
Natani: When he went to the bathroom, I… well, you get the idea.
Natani: It… wasn’t pleasant.
Natani: Ironically, Issac, the wolf we were supposed to kill, died casting that curse. It’s forbidden magic for a reason… It tends to kill its user.
Natani: So our mission was considered a success.
Natani: Rumor spread that we were such skilled assassins we had caused a powerful mage to kill himself.
Natani: The story became more and more exaggerated — mostly by us while we were drunk — until we eventually became known as the “Magi Brothers.”
Natani: He took one look at us and kill himself right on the spot! Honest!
Wolf: That’s amazing!
Page transcript provided by amenon.