Major Characters
Trace Legacy
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Class: Grand Templar Mage
Species: Human
Languages: Human
Personality: Trace is usually friendly, shy, and a little naive. However, his personality changes drastically whenever he recalls past memories.
Trace was born into a poor family of farmers, but his talents in magic were quickly recognized and at a young age he was recruited into the Templar. He rose through the ranks and eventually took over the organization as Grand Templar following the death of his first wife. He quickly became known as a tyrant, feared by Humans and Keidran alike. His incredible power allowed him to dominate all those who opposed him.
However, his memories were stolen from him, along with his deep-seeded hatred for Keidran. He now travels alongside Flora, a Keidran he befriended in ignorance to the ways he once thought of them. However, his memories are slowly returning, and with them a knowledge of a past he'd rather have remain forgotten.
Flora of the Rainforest Tiger Tribe
Gender: Female
Age: ~11
Class: Ex-slave
Species: Tiger Keidran
Languages: Keidran, Human
Personality: Flora is outgoing and strong-willed, but also a romantic. Since childhood her dreams have been of finding a "true love."
Flora was born in the southern rainforests of her tribe. However, at the age of three her home was attacked by slave traders. Her parents were killed and she was sold into slavery. Flora was lucky enough to be reluctantly purchased by a friendly human family, who chose to make her an indentured servant to pay off the debt. She has no memory of the day her tribe was attacked.
Flora was eventually release from her servitude early and allowed to return to her people. Due of her knowledge of human nature and language, she was chosen to be a representative of the Tiger Clan and a marriage was arranged between her and a prince of the Wolf Clan. The arrangement fell through, though, when her caravan was attacked. She was saved from the human attackers by Trace, who had just recently lost his memories.
Keith Keiser
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Class: Banished Warrior
Species: Eastern Basitin
Languages: Keidran, Human, Basitin
Personality: Keith acts serious or indifferent most of the time. However, deep down he's really caring and protective.
Keith was born on the Basidian Islands, a large landmass located near the mainland. His father was a General of the military. His mother was a soldier, just like all Basitins, but she sheltered him from military life for much of his childhood. Like all Basitins, he did eventually join the military at 8 years of age, late for most Basitins. Keith was blamed for his parents death at the age of 13 and banished from the islands. He was ordered not to return until he brought back the Grand Templar.
Gender: Male
Age: ~13
Class: Assassin
Species: Wolf Keidran
Languages: Keidran
Personality: Brash, abrasive, and secretly lonely. Natani pushes all but a few away emotionally.
The younger of the Assassin Brothers. Natani was forced to live homeless with his brother, Zen, after their parents and tribe were destroyed by human Templars. Through desperation, he and Zen joined an assassins guild to make ends meet. Due to an accident during an assassination mission, Natani became magically and permanently linked to his brother's mind. They can now actively read each other's thoughts and emotions through their link, which allows them to communicate over long distances. This link, while a huge advantage in the field, is not without its disadvantages. They can never be separated, and it is unknown what will happen if one should die.
Natani has never had a formal education and is thus illiterate. He cannot write in any language, and can only speak Keidran, though he can understand a handful of human words. Nevertheless, Natani will often find himself left in the dark during conversations between species.
Gender: Male
Age: ~14
Class: Assassin
Species: Wolf Keidran
Languages: Keidran, (Very Little) Human
Personality: Light-hearted and optimistic, to a fault. Enjoys teasing his younger sibling relentlessly.
The older of the Assassin Brothers. Zen is very protective of his sibling, the only family he has left after the attack left the both of them orphans. The brothers both joined the assassin's guild, and used their unique mental link to help them conquer otherwise impossible targets. Despite the Assassin Brother's skill and fierce reputation, almost all of the targets they're hired to kill end up dying through indirect means, often by accident or in ways not originally intended by the duo themselves. Somehow, their universal bad luck seems to rub off on others via proxy.
Gender: Male
Age: ~11
Class: Cowardly Diplomat
Species: Wolf Keidran
Languages: Keidran, Human
Personality: Extremely pessimistic and easily frightened in high-stress environments.
Sythe is a pony-tailed wolf most at home far away from battlefields and conflicts. Raised by his uncle, he was trained his entire life to be a diplomat between humans and keidran - even spending over a year living among humans back before the borders were closed. Sadly, his perfect human speech and years of education in interspecies cultures and politics have so far gone completely to waste since war began breaking out. Internally, Sythe has a very negative view of his own kind - believing that the war is mostly at the fault of the wolves for provoking the humans in the first place. Ultimately, he would like nothing more than for his life to go back to normal.
Mrs. Nibbly
Gender: Female
Age: ~6
Class: Squirrel
Species: Squirrel
Languages: Squirrel
Personality: Hopeless romantic
"Life isn't like one of your novels, Dear." Her friends would scoff. "You go up to one of those monsters and you'll be eaten alive!" Or at least, that's what they would have said if squirrels could talk. However, Mrs. Nibbly knew one day she was destined to be more than an ordinary housewife. Her dreams at night were filled with images of adventure and romance among the giants. Now, after having lost her husband the winter prior, she decides it's finally time to live her dreams.
Though terrified, she stood her ground as the two-legged beast approached, never allowing it to see her fear. And it was just as she had always imagined! He accepted her! Climbing atop the creature, Mrs. Nibbly knew her life was about to change. What sights would she see? She didn't know or care. All she knew was that she would be sharing it with him - her new, life-long friend and companion. And perhaps one day... more?
This section penned by Raine.
Gender: Female
Age: ~18
Class: Shifter / Alchemist
Species: Human / Wolf Keidran
Languages: Human, Keidran
Personality: In Human form, Raine is a shy and slightly naive young girl. However, due to lack of experience as a Keidran, Raine can sometimes lose herself to the wild nature of her other form.
Raine is the daughter of the former Grand Templar. She was born under unusual and unnatural circumstances, and as a result possesses unpredictable magical power. The wild nature of her magic causes her to experience physical transformations between Keidran and Human forms. These transformations are usually kept in check by artifacts enchanted to suppress her magic. Throughout her life, Raine's mother has kept her Keidran form a secret from others in the Templar order, and even Raine herself. But as Raine matures, her bestial side becomes increasingly restless from years of suppression.
Laura of the Costal Fox Tribe
Gender: Female
Age: ~16
Class: Fiancée
Species: Fox Keidran
Languages: Keidran, Human
Personality: Laura has very little self-confidence. She is timid, shy, and emotionally fragile. She tries to avoid conflict and always be polite.
Laura's family found Keith washed ashore behind their house after he had been banished. Laura fell in love with Keith and they were to be married, however, events conspired against them and Keith ended up leaving and heading into human territory, where she couldn't follow. After several years, she decided to seek out Keith in the only way she knew how: by traveling to the islands of the Basitin.
Saria au Gruhen
Gender: Female
Age: N/A
Class: Blacksmith / Freedom Fighter
Species: Human
Languages: Human, Keidran
Personality: Saria is soft-spoken and usually shy, but not afraid to speak out when she needs to.
Saria was a middle-class daughter of a blacksmith. She learned from an early age to take care of herself. She prefers to work for herself, and has never relied on the help of slaves. Her father brought her to the Templar Academy to work on building armor for the Templars. It was there where she met and fell in love with Trace. They were happily married for a year. However, their marriage was short-lived.
Eric Vaughan
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Class: Trader / Entrepreneur / Collector
Species: Human
Languages: Human, Keidran, Basitin
Personality: Eric likes Keidran. That sums it up pretty nicely.
Eric was born into a noble family. He is extremely wealthy, but he tries to stay modest about his money. Eric has a great affinity for Keidran, and uses his vast wealth to purchase a variety of Keidran slaves in cities all over the mainland. Eric is very well-read, but he specializes in Keidran anatomy and physiology. Eric treats all his slaves very well, and most are eternally devoted to him, despite being enslaved.
Kathrin "Spots" Vaughan
Gender: Female
Age: ~10
Class: Tailor
Species: Mixed Breed Keidran
Languages: Human, Keidran
Personality: Kathrin has a happy-go-lucky personality. She is a bit naive about most things, having been sheltered as a slave all her life.
Kathrin was selectively bred from several generations of Keidran slaves in order to be more physically appealing to humans. Ironically, despite being designed to be a sex slave, Kathrin is incredibly naive when it comes to sex. Eric gives her much more freedom than his other slaves, but she genuinely enjoys serving him.
Gender: Male / Female?
Age: ~12
Class: Slave
Species: Fox Keidran
Languages: Human, Keidran
Personality: He used to be perfectly satisfied with his lot in life, until the fateful day he came across a black-magic-wielding Basitin.
Mike is one of several slaves working under Eric. His job is primarily to maintain Eric's ship. He is good friends with Evals, another slave on Eric's ship.
Gender: Male
Age: ~13
Class: Slave
Species: Dog Keidran
Languages: Human, Keidran
Personality: A typical Keidran slave.
Evals is one of several slaves working under Eric. His job is primarily to maintain Eric's ship. He's good friends with Mike, another slave on Eric's ship. Though Evals is larger than Mike, Mike is usually the one who takes charge.
Madelyn Adelaide
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Class: Spy
Species: Eastern Basitin
Languages: Human, Basitin, Keidran
Personality: Hyper and fun-loving when not on the job. Illusive and stalkerish when necessary.
The original Stalker Girl. Madelyn Adelaide is one of the best spies the Basitin have to offer. Using her small size and uncanny speed, she can typically slip through any trap or cage... as long as no one is looking. When caught, she is very good at manipulating the emotions of others to her advantage. Her child-like appearance makes her dangerous to those who underestimate her. However, unlike most Basitin, in a head-on fight she is almost entirely useless, having forgone all combat training for stealth.
Maren Taverndatter
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Class: Tavern Maid
Species: Human
Languages: Human
Personality: Maren is bossy and prefers to have things go her way.
Maren is the bossy elder of the Taverndatter sisters. She's one of Trace's current "girlfriends," though Trace and her were never seriously involved. They met at her tavern as Trace was passing by during his missions. She knew Trace still loved his wife, who had passed away years before; and she knew she was really just being used by Trace as a momentary distraction. But she stayed with him, nonetheless.
Karen Taverndatter
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Class: Tavern Assistant
Species: Human
Languages: Human
Personality: Karen is outgoing and excited; she hates being bored and will go out of her way to make things interesting.
Karen is the hyperactive younger of the Taverndatter sisters. She doesn't care about races or wars or religions. She just enjoys interesting stuff, and if nothing interesting is happening, she tends to cause it. Karen's extra set of Keidran ears were given to her as a curse by Trace, whom she was annoying. The curse backfired, however, when Karen decided she loved the ears and wanted to keep them.
[Database Error]
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Class: Local Militia
Species: Human
Languages: Human
Personality: [Database error] is a bit of a muscle-head. He tries his best to solve all his problems with his sword.
[Database error] was one of Trace's friends from the Templar Academy. However, he dropped out after a few years when he showed little magical development. He later joined the local militia of his hometown.
Nickolai Alaric
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Class: Master General
Species: Eastern Basitin
Languages: Human, Keidran, Basitin
Personality: Alaric is unusual for a Basitin, openly expressing affection and bending rules and laws whenever possible.
Alaric is the Master General of the Eastern Basitin military. He is one of the most powerful men in Basitin society, second only to the king himself. Though he still isn't able to break any laws or rules of society, he's studied them enough to skirt around them as much as possible. He is very fond of Keith, whom he was childhood friends with.
Lady Nora
Gender: Female
Age: ~2000
Class: Shape-shifter
Species: White Dragon
Languages: All
Personality: Nora enjoys meddling in the affairs of mortals.
Lady Nora is a little over 20 centuries old, making her one of the oldest and largest dragons of her time. Unlike most dragons, who take little interest in mortals, she enjoys watching Humans, Keidran, and Basitin feud with one another. She will usually only interfere with them to see what might happen. Nora can shape-shift, but she has trouble balancing on two legs. Because of this, she generally only shapeshifts into other four-legged animals, and rarely shapeshifts into a humanoid form.

The Master Templars: Master Spy, Architect, Strategist, Seer, and Mage.
Class: Master Templars
Species: Human
These five men were employed by Grand Templar Trace to keep order in the Templar after he took over. He had them replace the previous six Master Templars of the previous Grand Templar. After Trace's disappearance, the Master Templar continued to keep the Order under control until his return. Some are seeking Trace so he may return, while others plot to kill Trace and usurp his power. Still others scheme to keep him away and preoccupied, so he might not return at all.

Trace Legacy
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Class: Grand Templar
Species: Human
Languages: Human, Keidran, Basitin
Personality: Trace is a heartless killer, who wants nothing less than the death of all peoples. He doesn't care for any life.
Trace was born into a pathetic family of farmers, but his obvious natural talents in magic were quickly recognized and at a young age he was recruited into the Templar. He rose through the ranks and inevitably took over the organization as Grand Templar following the death of his first wife. He quickly became known as a great ruler, feared by Humans and Keidran alike. His incredible power allowed him to dominate all those who opposed him.
However, his memories were stolen from him by Ephemural. Now, he must regain his memories and regain his position of power, before he become too deeply involved in the lives of the pathetic Keidran he is traveling with.