Zen: Ooof!
Zen: Jeez, when they mentioned the girl, I never imagined her like this!
Zen: Hey, hold on a minute— Ah!
Flora: Graaahh!
Zen: Wait, listen… listen to me! We don’t have to fight!
Zen: Come with us willingly! We were hired to kill you, yes. But… but! We also support the merging of our clans. We don’t believe the Keidran can stand up to the humans without it!
Zen: If you go through with the marriage as planned, there’s nothing our leader can do to stop it.
Flora: I will not marry Sythe! I’m not going anywhere with you!
Zen: You selfish girl! Think of your people!
Natani: Oh, for goodness sake, we don’t have time for this, Zen!
Natani: We’ll deal with her later.
Natani: For now… Sleep!
Flora: Nya~!
Page transcript provided by amenon.