Karen: So what’s the deal with these floating rocks anyway?
Sythe: Eh. Stuff’s always floating around volcanoes. This is nothing. You should see the boulders floating around Pint’s Pass.
Karen: Yeah, I know! But why?
Sythe: Oh. Well, they just do. I dunno.
Raine: It’s because the magic is coming up from the earth. Places like these are where it’s finding a way out and being released. Ah! Maren!
Karen: Oh! Oh! Does that mean your magic is all super-charged here? Maybe you can teleport us all to Edinmire!
Nibbly: ??
Maren: Quit squirming.
Raine: Eheh! No. No. It might help a tiny bit, but even if I had full control of my magic, I certainly couldn’t do that.
Karen: Aw… but… your mom was a super powerful Grand Templar! And Euchre was powerful too! Magic parents, plus magic place, means Super Magical Raine, right?
Raine: I’m afraid it… ngh… doesn’t work like that! Sorry to disappoint, but the magic here just causes fluctuations at best.
Raine: Maren, g-go a little easier, please!
Maren: What? It’s just a tail.
Page transcript provided by Turaiel.